Friday, December 26, 2008

Siding is up

The siding has been put up. This isn't the actual color of the house, though.

Don't mind the date on this picture. Obviously it's wrong.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Cabinets, cabinets, and more cabinets

We met with a kitchen designer at Hardware Hawaii Showroom in Kailua to create a design and concept for our cabinets not only in the kitchen but throughout the entire house. Who knew cabinets would be so expensive? We had to decide on the style, type of wood, and color of cabinets for two bathrooms, the laundry room, and the kitchen. Besides that, for the kitchen cabinets we also had to think about the functionality aspect: where we were going to put certain items, what size drawers we would need, etc. As it turns out, so much more goes into choosing cabinets than we thought!

Here are some of the initial drawings the designer came up with:

Kitchen (maple wood in "Autumn"):

Laundry room (maple wood in "Nutmeg"):

This was so not what we ended up with, but it looked nice!

Kids/Guest bathroom (maple wood in "Nutmeg"):

Master bathroom (cherry wood in "Coffee"):

The brand of the cabinets is "Showplace Wood". Click here to check out their website.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

We have walls!

The house is now closed up and we have exterior walls, windows, a front door, and a roof! Now it actually looks like a house from the outside!

This is where the kitchen will be

Also, your first video tour of the house - enjoy!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Outside progress

Here's what the house looks like today!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Starting on 2nd floor framing

Only a week later and the framing for the first floor is done and framing for the second floor has started.

Here's Jaeden in what will soon be his very own room

Friday, September 12, 2008

1st floor framing

It's almost a month later and the frame is up for the first floor of our house. It's so exciting to see the "bones" of our new home!

We're excited, but there's still along way to go!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Foundation is poured

Today the foundation was poured. Kalei got to watch since she had a day off from work.

We even got to write our names and put our hand prints in the newly poured cement.

Foundation is in, and ready for a house to be built on top of it!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

In the beginning...

This is what the property looks like now. Soon the garage will be demolished and the foundation will be poured for our new house!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What should our house look like?

That's the big question nowadays. The plans have been made and now we're just waiting for the day when we'll break ground. Meanwhile, we've been given a homework assignment to drive around the island looking at other houses to get an idea of exterior paint color and trim, and anything else we can use as inspiration for our home.

Here's what we found:

These are nice:

Love the architecture of this house:

Pretty landscaping:

I absolutely LOVE the stonework on this house. I hope to do something like this on our house in the future!

Foundation will be poured in a couple weeks - can't wait!!!